Health and safety policy 

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Health & Safety Policy Statement

Tom White Waste Ltd is committed to ensuring the health safety and welfare of all employees and all others who may be affected by the work carried out within the company or at customer's premises and sites during the installation of services.

The scope of work covers collection of non-hazardous waste by HGV, transfer and segregation operations, and preparation for onward distribution. Support operations include temporary storage of hazardous items (if discovered in waste that arrives on site), vehicle maintenance (workshop), storage of diesel and other automotive fluids, and refurbishment of skips.

The responsibility for ensuring this policy is enforced by the management team.

All employees have a duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions and not to interfere or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety. Employees also have duty to co-operate with the management as far as necessary to enable them to comply with health and safety law.

To enable fulfilment of the duties under the Health and Safety at work act 1974 a Health and Safety Manual outlines the arrangements to be complied with.

These include ensuring:

  • The completion of risk assessments by a competent person for all tasks,
  • Carrying out Health and Safety audits of the Health and Safety management system,
  • Vehicles, equipment, and plant is regularly maintained,
  • Employees provided with sufficient information, instruction, training, and supervision,
  • Adequate resources available to provide for all health and safety requirements,
  • A safe place of work is maintained, including suitable welfare and first aid provision,
  • Safe handling, storage and use of fuel, chemicals, and substances,
  • Fire prevention measures and precautions are implemented,
  • Personal protective equipment is provided when required,
  • Employees consulted on matters of health and safety by management.

The health and safety policy will be reviewed annually.


- Julian Tranter

Managing Director

Health & Safety Manual. Approved by: Julian Tranter, Managing Director

Revision 14.0 April 2023 Page 4 of 27 |


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Tom White Waste Ltd trading as Tom White. Registered in England. Company No. 01201361. Registered office Unit 13a Stonebrook Way, Longford, Coventry, West Midlands, CV6 6LN

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